The confirmation program at Our Savior's is an opportunity for students to dig deeper in their faith, discover more about God's wide love, and mark a fuller participation in the life of the church. Confirmation classes meet on Wednesday evenings, beginning with worship at 6 pm and followed by a learning, service, or fellowship event at 7 pm. We do not meet on Wednesdays when there is an early dismissal for school; instead, this a time to participate in the life of the church by coming to a team meeting or practicing sabbath rest. An Affirmation of Baptism and Commissioning of Confirmands is held on Reformation Sunday (the last Sunday of October) for those who are ready to affirm their baptism and be sent out to be world-changers in Jesus' name.
2024-25 Confirmation Please sign-up below if you intend to begin the confirmation program. Most students begin in 7th grade and may complete the program as early as 8th grade. Students who have already begun the program need not register again, but if the student intends to be confirmed this October (2024), please indicate that by signing-up for intensives below.